Affirming the Truth

Dear Church Family,
"There is only one Presence and one Power active in the universe and in my life, God, the Good, Omnipotence." I submitted this quote to memory upon attending Unity Church 28 years ago. At the time it was a revolutionary statement as it claimed there was only good in the universe. Only Good. Only God. The appearances seemed anything but that; I was grieving the death of my life partner and I had just been diagnosed with AIDS. Yet in the depth of that dark and scary time, I was searching for meaning. My soul was seeking to find its home. My soul had been looking for its home for a long time and for 8 years while I shared life with my life partner I thought maybe that was home. But he was gone and I felt my life slipping away, too. So when it was suggested that despite the appearances and conditions of my life that there was truly only one Presence and Power in my life and that it was Good - that God, who was omnipotent was both the Source and the destination for my soul search - I experienced finding my home. My home is in the Truth of that statement.
This week as we have been inundated with the news and information of the Coronavirus I remember this Truth. I don't deny existence of the Coronavirus or any virus as in the human experience they are a part of our collected consciousness. I don't deny that we must be vigilant in our practices of self-care; which includes taking care of our body, mind and spirit. That includes raising our consciousness about our Truth - we exist in an infinite field of goodness. We affirm God's Good in all that we think, say and do. We affirm God's goodness in the way we take care of our bodies and elevate our Spirits to a vibrational level that supplants the idea of disease into perfect health. 
Each of us decides how we will embrace our life. We honor the guidelines given by our national, state & local health officials and believe that you will take actions according to your best interest, too. We realize that the data and recommendations are fluid and may change. I believe that we will do our very best in caring for ourselves, family, community and church during this time. We (our church) plan to continue God's work through the acts of ministry through worship and prayer. We hope that you will join us each Sunday, as we celebrate God's spirit, together we grow in our unity. We will be more mindful of touch - perhaps extending a non-contact "heart shake" versus a handshake, and lifting our hands in praise in lieu of joining hands during the Peace Song. We understand if you decide to stay home - please keep in touch with us, allow us to pray with you as we continue to hold the image of your perfection in spirit now manifesting in flesh. We also trust that you support our ministry in thought, prayer and giving. We need your ongoing financial support to operate this ministry. 
You may be asking what is the "Good" in the Coronavirus? I believe there is good in all things. Despite the appearances of dis-ease that we humans experience, there is an opportunity to "wake up" to perfection of God's Good that is exist in everything. This is a time to examine our daily practices and life supporting habits. In a time when some are panicked we demonstrate calm through more time spent in meditation and prayer. It is a time to be mindful of our thoughts and language. Take care of yourself. Take necessary precautions. Affirm Life. Affirm Love. Affirm Health. Affirm Wholeness. Affirm Peace.
Life appeared bleak when I accepted the Truth of statement I submitted to memory 28 years ago. Yet in the bleakness I was seeking light. I may have never sought the light or needed the light so much if I hadn't experienced the darkness of grief and dis-ease. Not everyone needs darkness to seek light - but I did. And there will be others who will seek their light in the midst of this human pandemic. I affirm that you are now finding the light that you seek, growing in acceptance of your perfection, and knowing that there is only one Power and Presence active in the Universe and in our lives, God, the Good, Omnipotence. 
Many Blessings,
Pastor Robert