Events & Activities


You are invited to join us Sunday, September 15th, 2024.

Pastor Robert's lesson title is "Kindness Counts."


9.15.24 Kindness Counts


Everyone Welcome!

Live In-Person at Unity Church of El Cajon

at 311 Highland Ave., El Cajon, Ca 92020

and Streaming on our YouTube channel at




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WDOP 2024

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER - Thursday, September 12th, 2024

Join us for the World Day of Prayer Celebration – a day dedicated to affirmative prayer & meditation celebrated through many forms.

Our Prayer Chaplains are collaborating with Unity of San Diego to offer a deep and personal experience of prayer in our sanctuary.

Our day opens with meditation and contemplation beginning at 10 am,
with 6 interactive prayer stations:

- Burning Bowl – releasing all thoughts that no longer serve you.

- Candle Lighting – light a candle to send light to the people you love
and to illumine the world

- Communion – participating in the regenerative sacrament
given to us by Jesus Christ.

- Gratitude – writing and posting what YOU are grateful for.

- Cleansing – dedicated to the spiritual practices
of the peoples who came before us.

- Anointing – A personal divine blessing affirming the Truth of your being.

At 11am the prayer service begins, lead by the chaplains from both churches. This service will include a message,
testimonies on the power of prayer, community prayer
to honor our prayer requests, guided meditation and so much more.

At noon we will return to a time of meditation and contemplation
with all of the interactive prayer stations open.
Chaplains will also be available for one on one prayer
throughout the celebration.

We look forward for you to be a part of this special event.


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revised ad Chair Yoga new session

The Thursday, September 12th Chair Yoga Class only
but Classes will resume
on September 19th.


Chair Yoga from 9:30-10:30am.

$20 per class or what you can afford.

Dena Myers has been teaching yoga for 20+ years.
She has taught in schools, workplaces, and senior living facilities.
She can teach at all levels and ages.

Dena teaches the lyengar style of yoga The f

ocus is on aligning the body, healing injuries, strengthening/toning and relaxation.

For more information call the church office at (619)579-9586.


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"I Feel Good!"

A Concert Fall Fundraiser for Unity Church of El Cajon

SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, September 14th

with music by Jody Bagley and his band.

rev. I FEEL GOOD Concert

Join us at our Summer Finale Concert entitled "I FEEL GOOD!

A Celebration of Soul Music Hits" featuring songs by Soul and Motown artists including: Stevie Wonder, Al Green, Bill Withers, The Temptations and more!

The doors open at 6pm and ends at 9pm.
The concert is in the Sanctuary
and the rest of it is in the narthex and the Bistro.

Also includes Delicious Desserts from D. Z. Akins, Nothing Bundt Cakes and exotic treats like Bubbies Mochi Ice Cream treats paired with Hot and Cold beverages. Also receive an Opportunity ticket for Fabulous Raffle Prizes.

Tickets NOW ON SALE!!! $70 per person - includes - Concert where Jody Bagley and his Band will surprise and delight with his cool stylings of Classic Soul Music.

Not in your budget? We have Fellowship Grant tickets available. Everyone is welcome! . . . (See Pastor Robert.)

For more information call the church office at (619)579-9586.



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Brown Bag Lunch

Ladies Brown Bag Lunch Bunch
is a monthly event on the last Tuesday of the month at 12 noon

All women welcome!

Details for September's event will be posted here soon.

This is a wonderful time of fellowship and friendship for the ladies.

It is helpful if you RSVP by text or email so we can have chairs set up for everyone.

You can contact the church at 619-579-9586 for more information.



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Sunday, September 29th, 2024

As we celebrate 55 years of serving East County,

we invite you to our Homecoming Celebration.

Worship service will be led by Pastor Robert.

Rev. Arthur Hammons (the founder of our church) will speak,

and special music will be performed by Jody Bagley.

A potluck luncheon, after service, will be offered in Hammons Hall.

We will serve herb chicken and pork loin as entrées.

We ask you to bring a side dish, salad, finger food or dessert

to make our lunch truly scrumptious.


Door prizes & a time to chat and visit with others will round out a

delightful time of fellowship.

Invite your family and friends to join us and

to experience this memorable event!


Sign up for potluck available in the church office.


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What is Unity Class

NEW CLASS - What is Unity?

Unity Movement History & Unity's Teachings & Precepts. A two part class with Pastor Robert Bright on Sundays, October 6th & 13th at 11:30am in the Sanctuary. Love Offering.

Unity is a dynamic spiritual movement that is often misunderstood. People often ask what does Unity believe? How did it begin? Where is it going? All great questions that will be addressed by Pastor Robert Bright.

Pastor Robert will share:
1) The inspiration and history of the Unity movement.
2) The basic Truth principles we follow 
3) How Unity has impacted millions of lives through its teachings.
4) And in this changing landscape of Spiritual Communities where is Unity going?


This is a great class for people new to Unity and New Thought as well as people who have been with Unity for many years. We hope to see you there!


For more information contact the church office at 619-579-9586.



Monday Morning Meet Up
at 10am on Zoom

Monday Meet up Via Zoom with Rev Linda Burdett

Join us for Fellowship prayer and meditation at 10 am (PDT) on Zoom with Rev. Linda.
You do not need to register; all are welcome just use the link below!

This is a great way to stay connected, explore the events that are on our hearts and in our minds and share in love light and support. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 881 9489 1350

Passcode: 429981




Love Yourself Weekly Hybrid Meeting

is taking a sabbatical and will resume in September 2024.

For more information contact the church office at (619)579-9586.



Midweek Prayer & Meditation

Join us for a midweek respite of Prayer & Meditation.

Pastor Robert offers this tranquil moment to pause and reflect.

Interactive Candle lighting & Burning Bowl stations are open.
You are welcome to attend anytime from 11am to 12 Noon.



Inspirations - Every week on Video

Watch us on Facebook, YouTube or Website.

Transformation Tuesday, Truth Principle Thursday & Foundation Fridays



See our Calendar for ongoing or

one-time events, In-Person and on Zoom.



Regional Events

We are part of the Southwest Region of Unity and as such participate, as possible, in the Regional Events for Children's Summer Camp (3rd to 5th graders) and Uniteen and Y.O.U. Events throughout the year.

When we have eligible and interested children or teens attending they discover what a wonderful opportunity these events are to get to know others who share their path at other churches in our area. Meeting new friends who understand our teen's concerns, and with whom they can stay in contact, is a priceless benefit of such participation.