July 24, 2021 Newsletter

Dear Church Family,
Are you following the Olympic Games in Tokyo? I have taken more of an interest this year due to the unusual circumstances that have prevented spectators and fans to be present in the stands. I’ve watched sports that I never followed before; beach volleyball, skateboarding, synchronized diving. And I’ve followed the very human experience of watching athletes go from being unseen to glory. While other athletes go from glory to being human with challenges and conditions. 
Each of us have had some sort of experience that highlighted being unseen or being in glory or being challenged by life. Thankfully these moments do not play out in an international forum for us. We have a much smaller circle of influence. 
I admire celebrities when they share about their challenges and conditions, especially athletes who condition their bodies and mind for performance. Sports is both a physical and mental activity. The power of the mind is used in sports to assist athletes in reaching their next level. You don’t hear athletes say “I hope I win.” They affirm their abilities and when they win they often affirm their opponents abilities. As they affirm their opponent abilities they are also telling you how good of an athlete they are. I’ve never heard an athlete say, “It was a piece of cake.” Or “My winning was like taking candy from a baby.” They don’t say that.
I like to affirm winners; believing that their win is a life long process of practice and competition. I also like to affirm attempts by those who don’t win the game. The people who also ran – also performed. They are have dedicated their lives to a discipline that provided purpose and hopefully enhanced their life. 
There is an adage that is credited to several people who are experts in winning. It goes “Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.” As Truth Students it is our desire to win in life – not over anyone else – but seeking our win through Spirit in overcoming the challenges and conditions of our human experience. 
Affirming a winning mind and heart in you!
Many blessings,
Pastor Robert