Remembering "Ground Hogs Day", the movie

Dear Church Family,
Remember the movie "Groundhog Day," starring Bill Murray? I have

enjoyed that story - an egotistical man who believes he is better than the rest of the world - endures a single day in his life that is repeated many times. Initially it makes him angrier and more sardonic, but as time goes on he becomes aware that he has created the unhappiness in his life and it's up to him to change to make peace that each day will be the same, but he doesn't have to be the same. His first changes are attempts to make the experience more self-centered pleasurable or for him - by abusing the knowledge of how things will play out. Then he gets desperate and attempts to end his life - only to wake up the next morning in the same bed to the same song on the radio.   He changes course of the repeating the same day when he begins to save lives, learns to expertly play the piano, memorizes romantic French poetry (in hopes to woo a certain young lady) and becomes a model of human evolution.   

There is a certain irony to what we experience in social distancing and stay at home precautions. I woke up recently and didn't know what day it was. I was sure it wasn't Sunday - but it took me several moments to realize the day of the week. There are a lot of jokes about this phenomena going around. Sometimes the days run together - like you I work on projects around the house, do the usual chores and I am blessed to minister through our ministry. But still, there is a "suspended" sense about the days.
Some of you have expressed your frustrations of being housebound; longing to connect physically with family and friends. For the moment, things have profoundly changed in how we socialize in the world. My prayer is guidance in how best to spiritually connect with you and to give you opportunities to grow an experience your oneness with God. And for some - this profound change has been especially challenging - because we long for the ways we grew accustomed - those ways fed us and we became reliant on them.
As I seek guidance and rely upon Source for guidance, I know it is our faith that sustains us during this time. It is our belief in Truth - and knowing that there is only one Presence and Power active in the universe - God the Good, omnipotent. Each time my human frustration arises - I stop, breath, and remember. God the Good is always present. 
I talk a lot about God's Good these days. It is a message that is coming through for me to explore and expound upon. I've come to realize that life is full of experiences that I deemed "bad" "unhealthy" and "challenging". Yet as I get distance from them I can now see the Good that came from those times. Some of these experiences were so frustrating, exasperating, and miserable. I sometimes thought it would never change and if it did it wasn't worth it. There were times in my life I didn't want to be alive. I know I am not alone in this experience - but I am grateful that something kept me going to come to this moment in time to know that ultimately it is all Good. OH, how I loathed those words sometimes - but time, distance and spiritual maturity demonstrated - It is Good.
That is what gives me faith about this moment in time. There are many ways in which people are suffering. There is even an emotional pull to want to claim suffering, too. After all, we are a part of the human condition. But that isn't what Spirit guides me to do. Spirit asks me to take inventory of the many ways I am blessed - to hold those blessings in deep gratitude; including the meal I eat, the comfortable bed I sleep in and people (and animals) in my life who I share love with. It is Good. This moment is Good. Thank you for sharing it with me. 
Many Blessings,
Pastor Robert