Sept 11, 2021 20 years ago and we will always remember

From the Desk of
Pastor Robert
Dear Church Family,
Today is the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon and plane crash in the country side of Pennsylvania. For the most part no one saw this coming; except for the few who claimed it might happen someday. No one imagined that the tragic events would unfold in the way they did – frankly until it happened it would have made for an interesting plot of a fictitious book or film.
Yet before our eyes, the horrors unfolded and as a nation (and much of world) we grieved together the fates of the many lives lost, the lives of their loved ones forever changed and the life of our nation who is charged to never forget the actions committed against us.
As Truth Students we often look for the gifts and blessings to glean from our challenges. The events of 9/11 seemed too grave to look for gifts and blessings, instead we settled for the lessons to learn from this human tragedy. 
Initially the lessons were we must take precautions to protect ourselves in mass travel. Thus, the Homeland Security department and the TSA was born. We also took threats and the talk of threats more seriously. But on a very human level watching the people around us take action in ways to contribute by dedicating their lives as First Responders, going into the medical field and finding ways to serve either our country through the military or their community through a helping profession or service.  
As Truth Students we know our role then and now is to hold in consciousness our understanding of God and God’s Good that is everywhere present. Even in the midst of the tragedies of 9/11/2001. We hold in light and love all experiences of error thought; those that are generated against us and those we generate toward others. The lessons of 9/11/2001 are still unfolding; just like the lessons we learned from the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. Its challenging to see that event as a blessing or gift, yet since that event 80 years ago our nation has become close allies and friends with Japan. The attackers of 9/11/2001 were more nebulous. It’s challenging to identify a movement of radical ideology than to name a nation as a foe. 
We don’t have to figure it all out in this moment, but I hold in faith that our evolution as students of Truth will bring us the peace necessary to live as free, happy and healthy as possible. Even in the midst of all the unfolding lessons of our divine plan. Today I remember the pain and sorrow of 9/11/2001 and give thanks for the peace, prosperity and love that we give and share with others. Today we remember the day belongs to God. 
Many blessings,
Pastor Robert