Sept 18, 2021

Dear Church Family,
There was a very famous ad campaign from the 1920’s that read like a newspaper article. It began with the headline, “They laughed when I sat down at the Piano. But when I played…”The ad was for the US School of Music – a mail order school that provides instructions on how to play musical instruments. The article goes on to tell how everyone initially thought Jack was playing a trick or setting up a joke. But Jack enrolled in a mail order course for the US School of Music short time before was playing a complicated piece composed by Franz Liszt. The ad garnered a lot of attention and business for the music school – and it touched on nerve that many people experience – Learning something new and sharing it with others. Especially sharing it publicly – like public speaking. 
I have many friends who are performers. Many master their craft – playing an instrument, singing, acting, dancing – whatever the talent – they practice a lot. Julie Andrews once said that professions practice beyond the point of getting it right but to the degree they can’t make mistakes. 
I think about that sometimes when I pray. People may say that prayers don’t have to be “perfect” afterall we are talking with God. God understands. Perhaps if God was a human that would be true. However, God is Principle and principle is to be exacting with our thoughts and words. Why is this? Because the Universe responds to the words and energy we extend.  If someone has no money to pay bills, their prayer could be, “Lord, I’m broke, please provide the money to pay my bills. Amen” Or the prayer could be. “Beloved Creator, our Universe is full of abundance in all things good. I affirm God’s Good flows through me, supplying money and other substance for all I need and desire. Amen.”
The difference in the above prayers is mostly awareness of who we are, what God is, and expressing faith that all is well. It takes practice and awareness of what we say in our prayers to come up with productive and affirmative prayers. Take time to practice your prayers aloud each day – maybe in the car when you are alone or while you shower or take a bath. You will find a deepening appreciation for the awareness that comes from this practice and when someone asks for prayer – you can affirm God’s Good confidently with grace and ease.
Many blessings,
Pastor Robert