Staying absorbed in beauty and gratitude

Dear Church Family,
As you know I have a little dog that needs a lot of exercise. We endeavor to provide a couple of miles of walks each day that include part exercise for us and part hunting and sniffing for him. The walk is great opportunity to be outside and to notice the changes of nature. Blessed by the rain everything is greener than normal and amid the green I noticed tiny orange, yellow, white and purple flowers. They are so tiny and delicate that they might be easy to overlook, but this week I was noticing the quantity and perfection of each bud. At one park we frequent were California poppies blooming in their gorgeous happy color. I get excited by colors - deep reds, oranges, purples and yellows make my heart sing. Perhaps that is one of my attractions to quilts, the chance to put colors together that inspire me. Flowers get my attention, also noticing several patches of purple flowers against the deep green flora planted around it. I decided long ago that purple and green are one my favorite combinations in nature. The beauty of nature centers me. 
I share these observations not to bore you with the simplicity of my life, but to share one of the ways to stay absorbed in beauty and gratitude when so much focus and attention goes to the condition we are experiencing. I stay informed about COVID-19, watch some news and read the newspaper - what I notice is the more exposure to news media I have, the higher my anxiety level. News serves a very practical purpose and I often cite it as a source of information. I learned during 9-11 that being absorbed in news media doesn't serve my highest good. Like you, I am a Truth student. My purpose in life is to stay centered in Truth and I find it challenging to do so when I watch or read to much news. Perhaps I'm more sensitive than others. I've noticed that once I get caught up in the "news" I find myself wanting more. I'm the same way about French fries. Once I start...I can't stop. 
In this time of noticing how we care for ourselves through social distancing, washing our hands often, staying at home - we also care for bodies through good nutrition, physical activity and movement (your living room can serve as a dance floor) and plenty of rest. We must also take care of our minds by editing what influences our thoughts. I've been reading and meditating. I've also been binge watching my favorite sitcoms - I find the characters endearing and familiar. And believe it or not, our workload has increased since we've been ordered to stay at home. This would be a great time to give humble and hearty thanks to our staff who are giving a lot of energy to make the changes necessary to minister to you and the community beyond. Our conversations and thoughts often center on ways to message Truth in the midst of this condition and the many ways we can connect to our congregation and beyond. And we thank you for responding with your loving thoughts, prayers and donations. This week please send additional loving energy to Patricia Santos, Church Administrator; Judy Godde, Events Coordinator; Linda Burdett, Ministerial Candidate, Director of Chaplains; Jody Bagley, Director of Music; Becci Rohlkohl, Youth & Family Director, Facebook and Website mgr.; Phil Rohkohl, volunteer video editor: Heidi Wolin, Accounting Ass't.; Friday Del Toro, Sexton. Each person is giving in time, creativity and energy to make the reinvention of ministry possible.   
According to our health authorities we have a long road ahead of us in the upcoming days, weeks and months. Let us prepare ourselves by caring for ourselves and each other, by focusing our thoughts on the Good and beauty that surrounds us in nature and wherever we are nurtured. 
Many blessings
Pastor Robert