War is nothing new, right? Feb 26, 2022

Dear Church Family,

We witnessed an invasion on the world stage this week. Some were certain it would never happen, others predicted it long ago. Invasions are not new to the world. War is not new to mankind. It has been said there were up to 12 wars listed in the Bible. Invasions grow from greed and egos that go amok unchecked. History is full of these selfish acts. Some are even done in the name of religion, God and righteousness.

As Truth Students we can see beyond the fallacies of these claims. We know that Jesus came to teach Truth through his message that commanded us to love God with everything we got, and to love our neighbor as our selves.

So, in this time of witnessing the physical act of a brother & sister being invaded. We pray for peace. We do this with thought, feeling and action. We affirm God’s highest and best in all aspects of this conflict. For those who are living in fear, we hold them in light and love – that they experience the presence of God gently reminding them they are not alone. We affirm God’s power and strength in this experience.

For those who are suffering in physical or mental pain we hold them in light and love affirming regeneration of their body and minds. We affirm love and faith for their restored wholeness. For those who are experiencing conflict and chaos we hold them in light and love affirming and visualizing them as calm, understanding, peace filled, and confident.

To our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, Russia and around the world. We hold you in the image of God’s perfection, affirming divine order is unfolding, a divine pattern is emerging in your lives and in our world right now.

Hold the vision of Peace.

Many blessings,
Pastor Robert